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An I.T. guy told how Apple's HR people made him go through 13 interviews only to end up... rejecting him

An I.T. guy told how Apple's HR people made him go through 13 interviews only to end up... rejecting him
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An experienced product manager shared his negative interview experience with Apple.

A candidate with 7 years of industry experience reported on Teamblind social network that he had to go through 13 separate interviews, each lasting an hour. Additionally, he had to fly to Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, which added to the time and cost involved.

His greatest disappointment was the lack of constructive feedback after the process concluded. According to the candidate, neither the recruiter nor the hiring manager could provide him with information on how he could improve or explain why he was not a good fit. Instead, he received only a generic response:

“You did very well, the team liked you, but we will not be moving forward in the process.”

Having expected a total compensation package of $400,000, the candidate labeled the entire process as “a complete waste of time.”

This story sparked an active discussion online, with many users sharing similar interview experiences at large tech companies.

  • “Apple did the same to my close friend and then contacted him about two months later for another round of interviews for a similar position.”
  • “Yeah, that sounds believable. We are so bad at hiring.”
  • “Here’s how they do it:
  1. They interview a bunch of candidates at the same time.
  2. They find the best candidate and make that person an offer.
  3. If that person accepts the offer, they notify you and close the process.
  4. If not, they go back to step 2. The frustrating part is that they ignore candidates that were not selected until they find someone who agrees. Weeks of being ignored.”
  • “One of my worst interviews was at Apple. I’m not surprised.”

Recently, a senior technical expert from Amazon bragged on social media about how he managed to earn a lot of money while doing almost nothing at the company.

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