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Almost like Kindle: Astropad has released a case that turns your smartphone into a convenient "reader"

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Almost like Kindle: Astropad has released a case that turns your smartphone into a convenient "reader"
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Astropad has launched the Bookcase, a cover that transforms a smartphone into an e-reader.

The Bookcase features a plastic holder with magnets that makes the smartphone comfortable to hold, resembling the size and shape of Kindle e-readers. Between the grips is a MagSafe mount compatible with iPhone and many Android devices.

Almost like a Kindle: Astropad has released a case that turns a smartphone into a comfortable 'reader'

Perhaps the best feature of the Bookcase is its ability to allow reading books on the smartphone without distractions (something Astropad is trying to achieve with an NFC chip and a new mobile app). The smartphone can later be configured to automatically open the preferred reading app and temporarily disable notifications — once connected to the case.

Astropad is a small company that has built its reputation with applications and accessories that turned the iPad into drawing tablets and wireless displays akin to Wacom. Priced at $50, the Bookcase fits into this lineup — shipments are set to begin later this year.

Amazon has unveiled four new Kindles — including the first color 'reader' for $279

Source: Tech Crunch, The Verge

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