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AFU drones mines Russian occupiers' routes from the air - details of tactics from an expert

AFU drones mines Russian occupiers' routes from the air - details of tactics from an expert
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Mining with the help of aerial drones helps the Ukrainian Armed Forces negate the efforts of Russian sappers - it is possible to mine the road after they have left. This was reported by Ukrainian military and expert in radio communications, EWRS, and drones, Sergey "Flash" Beskrestnov.

In his Telegram channel, he talked about mining tactics and posted a video showing how it happens and the consequences for the Russian occupiers' vehicles. In the edited short video from an infrared camera, you can see a drone dropping a mine on the road, which then detonates the armored vehicle. Subsequently, the wreckage of the vehicles is shown in daylight.

"For example, enemy sappers checked the road at 7:00 pm, and a few hours later, we already dropped a mine there, and an hour later, the Russian armor explodes on it."

But it is not that simple. To prevent such cases, the Russians set up posts for acoustic control. They must hear the approach of large drones, which fly very loudly and descend before dropping the mine. In turn, the Ukrainian warriors locate these posts and drop explosives from the drones onto them.

Beskrestnov also showed initiation devices used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces for remote mining. A printed circuit board in a small box is equipped with a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. The device, which the military call "Johnik," is activated 10 minutes after the mine is dropped and remains active for 14 days. Thanks to the instruments built into it, the mine detonates when there is movement nearby or metal appears nearby.

As "Flash" says, the Russian occupiers have long studied this module, so its demonstration does not hold any value for the enemy. He claims that this knowledge does not reduce the effectiveness of such mines in any way. Moreover, Beskrestnov shared a video with Russians describing the module, which contained a funny episode:

"I especially liked how in the video the author deciphers the Ukrainian inscription UVIMKN. Universal Detonator something there".

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