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Competitor Neuralink has implanted a record 4,096 electrodes into the human brain

The neurostartup Precision Neuroscience implanted 4096 electrodes into the human brain, which is twice the previous record of 2048 electrodes set in 2023. Interestingly, the company is led by former Neuralink engineer Elon Musk, which has only recen...

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Like Neuralink, but less invasive. Synchron seeks patients for 'large-scale' brain implant trials

A startup has developed a safe interface for "mind control" communication, which is embedded in the brain through blood vessels. According to Reuters, Synchron is preparing for a large-scale clinical trial and is launching an online registry for pote...

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A paralyzed patient with a Neuralink chip has shown how to play chess on a computer "with the power of thought"

29-year-old Noland Arbo, who was partially paralyzed after a diving accident 8 years ago, became the first person to have a chip implanted in his brain by Neuralink. It is about the "brain-computer" interface (in the Neuralink version, the product is...

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