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Top manager of Ukraine's Defense Ministry: the Army+ app is 85% ready, and the electronic subpoena is a "horror story from the Russians"

Top manager of Ukraine's Defense Ministry: the Army+ app is 85% ready, and the electronic subpoena is a "horror story from the Russians"
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Electronic summons in "Reserve+" are not currently planned, as they will not serve as a "magical solution."

Artem Romaniukov, head of the Directorate for Digital Transformation at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, informed about the development of the "Army+" application and other digital innovations within the ministry. Here’s a brief summary.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is preparing to launch a new application called "Army+", which is expected to be the first electronic service for military personnel. According to Romaniukov, the application will allow servicemen to submit reports electronically and will feature a military ID function. Despite numerous regulatory challenges and security concerns, the directorate’s team plans to implement "Army+" across the entire army from the outset.

“We want to implement it throughout the entire army. If that’s not possible, we will conduct testing in a limited number of units,” Romaniukov noted.

One of the main challenges in developing the application has been the necessity to meet security requirements. For instance, developers could not use a random list of all brigades as that information is classified.

Romaniukov emphasized that at the initial stage, electronic reports will not fully replace paper ones:

“In this release, we do not aim to completely bury paper reports, but simply provide an option to replace them with electronic ones.”

In addition to "Army+", the directorate is working on the digitalization of other aspects of the Ministry of Defense's operations, including social issues, logistics, and medical support.

Regarding the "Reserve+" application, Romaniukov explained why the regulation governing its operations has limited access:

“Unfortunately, this was a necessary measure, because during wartime, documents regulating the maintenance of the registry of military personnel, draftees, and reservists in 'Oberih' cannot be made public.”

However, he assured that the team is working to make part of that information public. “There are many legal, legislative, and technical hurdles, but we are not omnipotent and cannot break the law.”

Romaniukov also dispelled rumors about the potential implementation of electronic summons:

“I don't have this functionality in my backlog, and I have not received any orders for it. I understand that the issue is sensitive: an electronic summons is a big scare. It has been exaggerated, not without the influence of Russia, which has claimed ‘you will all be driven into a digital concentration camp, and everyone will be conscripted.’”

At the end, the directorate head addressed potential users of "Army+":

“I really want our future users to remember: the app is being developed by military personnel for military personnel. So if there are minor inconveniences, it’s not because we are malicious, but because we had to navigate many restrictions.”

Recently, we reported that users of "Reserve+", which launched in May, encountered issues with being logged out of the application. Additionally, "Reserve+" has introduced a military registration document with a QR code and the ability to correct data online without a visit to the TCK.

Source: DOU

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