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The first hip-hop in space: NASA sent a song by an American singer to Venus

The first hip-hop in space: NASA sent a song by an American singer to Venus
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The US Space Agency has taken the first step in combining hip-hop and interplanetary travel. The Deep Space Network of NASA transmitted the lyrics of the song "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)" by Missy Elliott to Venus.

The broadcast began on July 12 at 10:05 Pacific Time from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. The radio signal traveled 254 million kilometers in 14 minutes, moving at the speed of light.

"I still can't believe that I will go beyond this world with NASA through the Deep Space Network when 'The Rain' becomes the first hip-hop song transmitted into space!" shared Elliott in a NASA press release.

The song from 1997, which topped the charts and launched the singer's solo career, is now part of space history. This is not a coincidence - Missy Elliott's videos are known for their space themes and futuristic visual effects.

Brittany Brown, Director of NASA's Digital Technology Division, noted: "Both space exploration and Missy Elliott's art always push the boundaries of what is possible. Collaborating on something so otherworldly is truly fitting."

To transmit the signal, a 34-meter radio antenna was used at NASA's Deep Space Communications Complex in California. Interestingly, the antenna was named "Venus" - the planet Elliott chose as her favorite.

"I chose Venus because it symbolizes strength, beauty, and possibilities. I am very pleased to share my art and message with the Universe!" explained the singer.

NASA plans two new missions to Venus - DAVINCI and VERITAS, which will launch after 2029. The Deep Space Network will assist in communicating with these spacecraft.

Music has long been part of NASA's space messages. In 1965, astronauts listened to a parody of "Hello, Dolly!" while orbiting the Earth. And the Voyager probes carry golden records with sounds of our planet beyond the Solar System.

Source: Interestingengineering

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