Google has launched a new feature called Performance Detection in Chrome, designed to identify performance issues and highlight the tabs that consume the most memory.
With this feature, users will receive alerts in the browser (next to their profile picture) represented by a small icon resembling a speedometer. Clicking on it will display a list of resource-heavy tabs, along with options to "Dismiss" or "Fix Now."
Additionally, Google has updated its Memory Saver functions, which provide operational modes for resource-intensive tabs: "Moderate" (interprets issues and manages tabs on your behalf), "Balanced" (operates based on system needs and your browsing habits), and "Maximum" (deactivates tabs as soon as you stop using them).
You can check out the new settings in the three-dot menu at the top right corner of Chrome: click on "Settings" and select "Performance," where a new switch for "Performance Issue Alerts" should appear (possibly a bit later).
Source: The Verge
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