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StarWars in Korean: laser weapons will protect South Korea from DPRK drones

StarWars in Korean: laser weapons will protect South Korea from DPRK drones
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South Korea will deploy laser weapons to destroy North Korean drones as early as this year. This will make it the first country in the world to deploy and use such weapons in the military. South Korea has named its laser program "StarWars project."

Laser weapons for destroying drones have been developed by South Korean military in collaboration with Hanwha Aerospace. It is effective and inexpensive to use. One shot from it costs about $1.45. Other advantages include quiet operation and stealth.

“Our country is becoming the first country in the world to deploy and use laser weapons, and the capabilities of our army to respond to provocations from North Korean drones will be further strengthened,” said the Administration of Defense Acquisition Program (DAPA).

Laser weapons shoot down UAVs in flight by burning engines or other electrical equipment with beams of light for 10-20 seconds, explained a representative of DAPA at the briefing.

Recall that the combat action in the Korean War of 1950-1953 ended in a ceasefire, not a peace treaty, as well as the creation of a demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. North and South Korea periodically violate the ceasefire, which regulates their common border, by sending drones into each other's airspace. In December of last year, 5 North Korean drones flew into South Korean territory, prompting Seoul to scramble fighter jets and attack helicopters in an attempt to destroy them.

Source: reuters

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