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Netflix wants to disable downloading content on Windows - users get strange messages

Netflix wants to disable downloading content on Windows - users get strange messages
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Watching Netflix on a laptop while on the go is possible with the official streaming program for Windows. Even if there is no network connection, you can download content in advance and watch it later.

However, some users report that Netflix is updating its Windows app to deprive subscribers of the ability to download content for offline viewing. If this happens, it will be a big blow to many subscribers who watch Netflix on laptops.

Some users have seen a new notification in the Netflix app for Windows:

"Coming soon: new Windows app. The update includes access to live events, compatibility with supported plans, supported by advertising, etc.! Downloads will no longer be supported, but you will still be able to continue watching TV shows and movies offline on a supported mobile device."

Another user received a similar message, but without the part about downloading. This may either give hope or be an attempt by Netflix to reassure subscribers without informing them of the unpleasant changes.

There is also a possibility that Netflix is only notifying those people who actually use the download feature. In the latter case, the user says he never used them (so nothing will change for him).

Another possibility is testing the reaction to potential changes to evaluate user response to potential changes. This has happened many times, not only on Netflix. The site Android Authority, which reported the news, believes that those who are truly concerned about the disappearance of the feature, it's time to inform Netflix about it in one way or another.

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