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Korean robot commits suicide after a year in civil service

Korean robot commits suicide after a year in civil service
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The city council of a city in South Korea announced that its robot-administrator self-destructed by jumping off a staircase last week - local media are now mourning the loss of the country's first "suicidal robot."

According to witnesses, the robot circled in one place for some time before the jump, indicating that something had gone wrong, however, the circumstances of the incident are still being established.

The robot became one of the first of its kind to be employed in the city hall - since August 2023, it helped employees with daily document delivery, advertising, and providing information to local residents.

"Officially, he was part of the city hall, one of us. And he worked very diligently," said one official in a comment to local media (via channelnewsasia).

The robot was created by Bear Robotics, had its own government official card, and worked standard hours from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Unlike other similar robots, this one served multiple floors at once and could call an elevator to reach them independently.

South Korea is one of the most robotized countries in the world. According to the International Robotics Federation, there is one industrial robot for every 10 workers.

The city council of Gumi City currently does not plan to hire a second robot administrator, as reported by AFP.

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