Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced a new interview with Tucker Carlson, an American pro-Russian propagandist who recently interviewed Putin for the social network X (Twitter) Elon Musk. Previously, the propagandist, who was expelled from Fox News, repeatedly stated that the genocide in Bucha is staged, and blamed Ukraine for the explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station.
“As the leader of a politically neutral platform, I am responsible for communicating with journalists who represent various political views. In February, I recorded a 3-hour interview with a journalist of liberal views.
The interview itself has already been filmed, specifically in video format (there has been none like this with Durov for over 10 years), and will be released “very soon”. Pavel Durov did not specify when exactly, and instead promoted Tucker Carlson's official Telegram channel, where the release of this very interview will be announced. The channel itself was created on March 7th and has already been subscribed to by 25 thousand users/bots.
A new wave of discussions about the need to regulate Telegram in 3, 2, 1...
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