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In Poland they opened a nano-chapel with ChatGPT instead of a priest - it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

In Poland they opened a nano-chapel with ChatGPT instead of a priest - it works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
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A nanochapel has opened in the Greater Poland Voivodeship of Poland, managed by artificial intelligence. Believers now have round-the-clock access to a space for prayer and reflection.

Access to the chapel is provided through a special application developed by Fibaro, a company specializing in smart home systems. The app allows visitors to unlock the entrance after completing a verification process.

The parish priest of the Jesus Name Church in Poznań, Radek Rakowski, explained the motivation behind creating such a chapel:

“We noticed that many people want to come to our chapel to pray in the morning before work. Some would like to relax near the Chapel of the Immaculate after 9 PM. Now this will be possible!”

In addition to prayer, the nanochapel will serve as a venue for meetings and socializing. The youth of the city will have the opportunity to utilize this space for collaborative projects and spending time together.

The artificial intelligence, based on ChatGPT, acts as the chapel's guide: helping visitors navigate the space and even manage the coffee machine for those who want to enjoy a cup of coffee. The AI assistant also assists elderly and visually impaired visitors by reading passages from the Gospel, reciting prayers, and answering questions about faith and theology.

Meanwhile, in the UK, law enforcement is also implementing innovative technologies. In the southwest of England, the police forces of Avon and Somerset are testing a new AI-based system. This development could significantly expedite the investigation of cold cases, reducing what usually takes decades to mere hours.


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