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A Jewish organization has defended Swastika, the name of a woman who was not served in an Uber because of her name

A Jewish organization has defended Swastika, the name of a woman who was not served in an Uber because of her name
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A young mother from Sydney, Australia, fought with Uber - she was banned from using the services because of her name. The first name of Swastika Chandra in Sanskrit means luck and prosperity and makes up a significant part of her Hindu identity. But Uber found it so offensive that the woman's registration on the platform was canceled for violating the terms.

The 35-year-old woman grew up in Fiji. There, the name did not surprise anyone.

"It is a very common name. I personally know four or five other girls with the same name. In school, we had two or three other girls with the same name. It means luck. It means good things for me," Swastika says.

Swastika Chandra had no problem using her name on her birth certificate, Australian citizenship certificate, medical records, and driver's license. But in October last year, Uber blocked her account, claiming that her name violated the terms of use.

"Once, I ordered food, went to the payment stage, and a pop-up window appeared: 'Your name is a violation, you need to change your name in the application'," she explained.

At the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Uber introduced new rules regarding words that may be offensive, including "Swastika." Swastika Chandra deeply understands the dual meaning of her name but says that society should know the origin of this word.

"They don't know that Hindus used it thousands of years before Hitler used it incorrectly. I believe that a little education is needed. I am very proud of my name. I believe in the good that comes with it, and I will not change it for anyone," Swastika says.

Five months ago, Uber dropped their claims, apologized, and made an exception for the woman to join the platform. But this required the intervention of the main Hindu body in Australia, the Hindu Council, as well as the support of the Jewish community and the Attorney General of New South Wales.

  • The Jewish Board of Deputies also supported Chandra's fight: "There is a difference between Mrs. Chandra innocently using her name and the use of a sinister symbol."

The Hindu community awarded Chandra for her fight against the global corporation in this matter.


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