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Google merges Android and Chrome teams with hardware division - all for the sake of AI

Google merges Android and Chrome teams with hardware division - all for the sake of AI
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The united team will be involved in implementing artificial intelligence in smartphones and everything that runs on Android.

The division will be led by Rick Osterloh, who previously oversaw Google's hardware efforts, while the longtime head of Android, Chrome, and ChromeOS Hiroshi Lockheimer will take on "other new projects" for the company.

"Having a unified team for all platforms and devices will help us provide high-quality products and experiences for our users and partners," wrote Google CEO Sundar Pichai. "This will help us accelerate the Android and Chrome ecosystems and bring the best innovations to partners faster."

The new division also takes on some of Google's research, especially in computer photography. Pichai adds that he wants the team to live at the "intersection of hardware, software, and AI."

"I am excited to take on this new challenge and accelerate artificial intelligence innovations in the Android ecosystem. I look forward to strengthening our strategic collaboration with Qualcomm and Snapdragon for Android, not only in mobile, but also in computing, XR, and automatic systems," Osterloh wrote on X.

Google's development of its own Pixel Tensor chip with Samsung put the hardware division at odds with Qualcomm - the largest Android partner for chip production.

During the Pixel 6 presentation, Osterloh stated that Google "has been restrained for years" in the field of artificial intelligence before starting to produce its own chips, which was a "burst" compared to Qualcomm chips the company used before. Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon, meanwhile, responded to the message - evidently, both leaders are publicly courteous.

Source: ArsTechnica

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