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Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games

Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games
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The social network for finding and establishing business contacts, LinkedIn, plans to add games to its functionality.

This is confirmed by the company itself, reported by TechCrunch.

Microsoft thus plans to increase the time people spend on the social network.

Developers aim to emulate the success of Wordle - a fairly simple game that went viral and achieved huge success in a short amount of time. The first three games on LinkedIn will be called Queens, Inference, and Crossclimb.

Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games
Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games
Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games
Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games

Developers were the first to see the upcoming innovations, as they began to find code with corresponding developments on LinkedIn. One of them, Nima Owji, noticed a feature for ranking companies in a rating based on the scores of their employees.

Later, this information was confirmed by a representative of LinkedIn: the company is indeed working on games, but there is no exact launch date yet.

"We are experimenting with adding puzzle games to LinkedIn to provide some entertainment, deepen communication, and hopefully create opportunities for conversations," LinkedIn's press office said.

The company also added that the images that appeared on X (former Twitter) are not the final versions. They provided the latest screens with the latest developments.

Employee and company competitions: LinkedIn will introduce games

LinkedIn's owner, Microsoft, is a major player in the gaming market. Its business includes Xbox, Activision Blizzard, and ZeniMax, which only in the last quarter brought revenues of $7.1 billion.

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