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A woman who hates robotaxis slashed the tires on 17 Waymo cars (but forgot about the cameras)

A woman who hates robotaxis slashed the tires on 17 Waymo cars (but forgot about the cameras)
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Waymo cameras captured an enraged woman who decided to secretly slash the tires on robotaxis in San Francisco.

The woman dedicated herself to this "work" for three days, and from June 24 to 26, she damaged 17 cars. The police stated that they have already identified the vandal using recordings from external robotaxi cameras.

"We can confirm that charges have been filed against the individual who aggressively damaged several Waymo vehicles," said Waymo representative Catherine Barna. "Waymo is also taking steps to compensate for the damage caused and reduce the likelihood of such events happening in the future."

Interestingly, this vandal is also linked to an earlier case of slashing the tires of three robotaxis.

The damage caused to each car is estimated at $400. The suspect herself does not admit guilt to any of the 17 charges. Currently, she is in custody without the possibility of bail and is awaiting trial, which will take place today, July 12.

For San Francisco, such a warm reception of Waymo robotaxis is not new - about a year ago, haters blocked the cars by placing cones on the vehicles, and not long ago a group of unknown individuals smashed and set fire to one of the brand-new electric Jaguar Waymo vehicles.

Among the main complaints expressed by both residents and local authorities regarding robotaxis are road blockages, causing traffic jams, and obstructing the passage of emergency vehicles.

Source: Techcrunch

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