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The EpicDB site has leaked quite a bit of information about unannounced games: The Last of Us Part II on PC, Turok, Final Fantasy IX Remake, etc.

The SteamDB service provides a lot of useful information about games for both casual players and industry representatives or the media. It's a treasure trove of data that has been connected to the Steam API for years, collecting statistics from a rel...

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Dragon Age: Inquisition is now being given away for free on the Epic Games Store

The digital distribution service Epic Games Store has prepared another free giveaway of a game for its users. This time, players can add the fairly popular role-playing game Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition to their collection. Dra...

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Epic Games Store is giving away Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and The Bridge for free

This week, the Epic Games Store digital distribution service delighted its users with a free giveaway of two games: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and The Bridge. These projects can be obtained until March 21. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is an Action/RPG wit...

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Apple banned Epic Games developer's account due to "unreliability" - EGS on iOS delayed for now

Recently, Apple released iOS 17.4, providing users with the ability to download apps and games from third-party app stores - Epic was also preparing its own alternative, but due to the developer account being blocked, the plans are currently put on h...

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