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Youtuber crash-tested the Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 - the flame did not survive, but the fold is smaller

Youtuber crash-tested the Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 - the flame did not survive, but the fold is smaller
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The foldable smartphone Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 has undergone a durability test conducted by Zack Nelson from the YouTube channel JerryRigEverything. Similar to its predecessor, the Flip 5, the new device proved to be sturdy, resilient, and of high quality.

The YouTuber began with a test of the foldable screen, with results akin to those previously seen with the Galaxy Flip 5. This suggests that users should refrain from pressing too hard on the screen, removing the protective film, or leaving dust on the surface before closing it.

Zack employs a scratch testing method that involves gradually increasing pressure on the glass to determine how much stress it can withstand. Like its predecessor, the Flip 6's inner screen can only endure scratches up to a conditional level two—beyond that, permanent damage occurs.

In contrast, the outer display sustains damage only at level six pressure, thanks to the protection of Glass Victus 2. The aluminum frame can be relatively easily scratched all around, reinforcing the argument for using a case with the Galaxy Flip 6.

The Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 also endured a sand test, during which Zack poured sand onto its main display, cover screen, and hinge. Although the particles created an unpleasant sound when folding the hinge, its functionality and appearance seemed unaffected—the phone is suitable for taking to the beach.

The smartphone even passed a reverse bending test when the tester attempted to close it in the opposite direction. Zack praised Samsung's "magic" regarding the durability of the display and hinge—as some other phones have cracked in half.

Perhaps most significantly for potential owners who don't plan on breaking their phones, the crease on the Samsung Galaxy Flip 6's screen is noticeably less prominent than that on the Flip 5. Other reviewers have noted this as well.

Source: AndroidCentral

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