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The experiment was successful. Ukrainian YouScan reintroduces a four-day working schedule

The experiment was successful. Ukrainian YouScan reintroduces a four-day working schedule
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The Ukrainian company YouScan is returning to a four-day work schedule for the summer period. This is the second time they are doing this - last year, the "four-day week" was introduced in response to May shelling and team exhaustion.

This was reported by DOU with reference to the company's Chief People Officer Galina Marchuk.

The new schedule was introduced after an eNPS survey, where it was the most desired option among employees.

"At the end of summer, we concluded - the four-day week had no negative impact on productivity. Although we were prepared for a decline during this period. But in fact, the results were good, no client was left unattended. However, the team's happiness level increased significantly, even before the end of last summer, everyone started asking if we could do this always. So we promised that next summer we will definitely repeat it. At the beginning of the new year, we put it in the calendar for this year and were looking forward to it," shared Galina Marchuk.

As Galina noted, employees of YouScan mentioned the four-day work week most often in the survey about victories and failures of 2023, as well as in the May eNPS survey. Therefore, this year the company decided to repeat last year's experience.

It is reported that all employees (both in Ukraine and abroad) will switch to a four-day schedule.

Successful experiment. Ukrainian YouScan reintroduces four-day work schedule

How will the four-day schedule be combined with power outages

Galina Marchuk explained that YouScan is not separately adapting to power outages. The company's office has a generator, and most employees equipped their homes for work during power outages last winter. Currently, there are 42 company employees in Ukraine.

"On Fridays, in the success and support departments, there is a duty so that critical customer requests do not go unanswered. One employee will take turns staying connected, and then can rest on another day. Payment and benefits remain unchanged during this period," Galina explained.

YouScan is a platform for monitoring and analyzing social media and online media, which operates based on artificial intelligence and has leading image recognition capabilities, helps businesses study user opinions, find important insights, and manage reputation.

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