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Reserve+ from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: 250 thousand registrations in 1.5 days, availability in 176 countries and "for now" without electronic summonses

Reserve+ from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: 250 thousand registrations in 1.5 days, availability in 176 countries and "for now" without electronic summonses
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On the second day of work in the Ministry of Defense application, their data was updated for more than 246 thousand citizens, which is 83 times more than through Administrative Services Centers and "dozens" compared to TCK - according to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ekaterina Chernogorenko.

Also, in Reserve+ there were 612,199 unique device authorizations recorded.

"Reserve proves that Ukrainians are brave, choose online, and believe in digitalization. Numbers are not only convenience, but already a mindset and lifestyle of our country. We continue to work to eliminate all errors and make the application as user-friendly as possible," wrote Chernogorenko.

Among the upcoming features announced for Reserve+ are the display of a military registration document with a QR code, as well as the ability to submit applications and view available vacancies in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As for electronic summonses, during a telethon Chernogorenko stated that they do not plan to send them through the application at the moment:

"At the moment, nobody will receive a summons through the application. We are working to ensure that citizens can see their information from 'Oberig' and fulfill their legal duty - updating data."

As of May 18, the updated Mobilization Law came into force in Ukraine - from this day onwards, all men aged 18-60 must update their registration data within 60 days (until July 16 inclusive). You can download the Reserve+ application on the App Store and Google Play. Also, to update data, you can contact directly the Centers for the Provision of Administrative Services or TCK.

Earlier on social networks, it was reported that Reserve+ is not working for everyone - in particular, there were problems with authorization with confirmation in mobile banking.

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