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Postal employees in Ternopil stole UAVs from military parcels - "earned" ₴6 mln on resale

Postal employees in Ternopil stole UAVs from military parcels - "earned" ₴6 mln on resale
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Employees of one of Ukraine's postal services decided to "make some extra money" by selling stolen UAVs — the drones were taken directly from packages intended for the military.

Currently, the police have detained four individuals residents of Ternopil region. Searches were conducted at their residences and vehicles; 15 mobile phones, computer equipment, bank cards, and documents were seized.

Additionally, law enforcement discovered correspondence and rough notes confirming the illegal activities of those detained. It was reported that the stolen UAVs from the packages were later sold online using cryptocurrency wallets — earning about 6 million hryvnias from this scheme.

The name of the postal service is not mentioned in the report.

The detainees have been informed of suspicion of misappropriating property through abuse of office on a particularly large scale. They face up to 12 years in prison, along with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in specific activities for up to three years and property confiscation.

So far, the court has placed the suspects under nighttime house arrest. Other individuals involved in the scheme are being sought.

Source: Cyber Police

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