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Intel: motherboard makers did it all wrong - first official public statement on CPU problems

Intel: motherboard makers did it all wrong - first official public statement on CPU problems
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Intel has released an official statement regarding the stability issues of processors that have been observed recently. Now the information is intended for users with corresponding processors and motherboards, not just for manufacturers. In short - despite attempts to implement the recommended profile for Intel Core 13 and 14 processors with unlocked overclocking, manufacturers are doing this incorrectly.

“Several motherboard manufacturers have released BIOS profiles called "Intel Baseline Profile." However, these BIOS profiles do not match the "Intel Default Settings" recommendations that Intel recently shared with its partners regarding the instability issues reported for K-series 13th and 14th generation processors.

It appears that the "Intel Baseline Profile" BIOS settings are based on power recommendations previously provided by Intel to manufacturers, describing different power options for K-series 13th and 14th generation processors depending on the capabilities of the motherboard.

Intel does not recommend motherboard manufacturers to use "basic" power settings on boards with higher values.

The recommended Intel "Intel Default Settings" are a combination of thermal and power delivery features, as well as the choice of possible power profiles based on the capabilities of the motherboard.

Intel recommends that customers apply the highest power delivery profile compatible with each individual system board, as indicated in the table below.”

Based on the recommended values, Intel's priority is to reduce the current passing through the processor, which cannot exceed 400 A, even when using the Extreme profile. Previously, Z790 and Z690 motherboard suppliers offered an unlimited power profile, which essentially is an "unlimited" power and current.

Another Intel recommendation is that the alternating current load line (AC Load Line) should match the processor's target calculation with a maximum value of 1.1 mOhm, and the direct current load line (DC Load Line) should be equal to the AC Load Line - no higher or lower than this recommendation for maximum stability. Intel also recommends activating CEP, eTVB, C-states, TVB, and TVB voltage optimization in the Extreme profile.

Thus, it can be said that at the moment there is no truly correct solution to the problem that Intel processor owners could use as the only "magic setting" to reset to default settings. The most advanced users could set the parameters manually, but this cannot be considered a suitable option for mass-produced products like Intel chips.

The company has also effectively acknowledged that manufacturers did not have specific Intel instructions until recently and had to rely on previously provided specifications that are not suitable in this case. The correct data was provided by the company after the problem was discovered in non-public messages to developers. So, the blame partially lies with Intel itself.

Purchasing processors with unlocked overclocking, as always, requires the user to have the appropriate qualifications. The presence of the K or KS suffix implies fine tuning of the BIOS to achieve the best results in stability and performance, so it is not suitable for everyone.

Source: AnandTech

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