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Hackers hacked Iran's Sahara Thunder - one Shahed-136 for Russia costs from $193k to $375k.

Hackers hacked Iran's Sahara Thunder - one Shahed-136 for Russia costs from $193k to $375k.
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The Prana Network hacker group has hacked the mail servers of the Iranian company IRGC Sahara Thunder. They managed to find information about the production of the Shahed-136 strike drones for Russia. The discovered data was made public on the website

According to the disclosed data, initially the Iranians wanted to receive the equivalent of $375,000 for one Shahed-136 UAV. However, during negotiations, the Russians managed to lower the price. As a result, the parties agreed on the following conditions:

  • Price of $193,000 for one Shahed-136 UAV when purchasing 6000 units;
  • Price of $290,000 for one Shahed-136 UAV when purchasing 2000 units.

The total cost of the production contract, including technology transfer, equipment, 6000 sets of UAVs, software amounts to $1.75 billion. Russia was expecting payment in gold for the deadly goods.

The documents also reveal that in 2022 Russia planned to produce 6,000 Iranian drones under license in its own facilities over 2.5 years.

As the plans for 2023 show, with full localization of production with minimal supplies of Iranian components, the projected cost of production of Shahed-136 should be 4.4 million rubles ($48.8 thousand) per unit. At the same time, the selling price was expected to be 14.9 million rubles ($165.5 thousand). Presumably, the over 3-fold increase was intended to cover expenses for licensed production, additional costs, and investments in the enterprise.

The hackers also published production technology, schemes, logistics.

Source: Military

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