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Windows 11 update causes cyclic system restarts - Microsoft has suspended its rollout

Windows 11 update causes cyclic system restarts - Microsoft has suspended its rollout
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Microsoft has received numerous reports of issues that started occurring after the installation of the June Windows 11 non-security update (KB5039302).

So, after installing this update, some computers either do not boot up or get stuck in a boot loop state, where they may repeatedly restart without user intervention. This is a fairly serious issue that may require entering recovery mode to resolve.

Microsoft claims that the issue is highly likely to occur if the user is using virtual machines and other virtualization tools on their computer, such as CloudPC, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), and DevBox. However, the company is still investigating the root cause of the problem.

While experts are investigating the causes of the error, Microsoft has decided to pause the deployment of this specific update through Windows Update and Windows Update for Business. The company states that the issue is less likely to affect Windows 11 Home, as most users do not engage in virtualization in a home environment. The problem did not affect server versions of Windows.

Microsoft is working on resolving the issue and says it will provide an update in a "future release." It is likely that the company will offer an out-of-band update instead of waiting for the traditional "Patch Tuesday" release.

Source: xda-developers

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