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Paintpad is a program for drawing in... Microsoft Notepad

Paintpad is a program for drawing in... Microsoft Notepad
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The developer SamNChiet has made it possible to draw in Microsoft Notepad using text characters. He named his project Paintpad and jokes that he "made MS Paint in Notepad."

Paintpad allows you to move the cursor to draw in Microsoft Notepad. Instead of drawing with a brush or digital pen, dragging the cursor creates an image by adding text to Notepad. In particular, the "#" symbol appears in the application.

Despite Paintpad not being as feature-rich as Paint, it has a few tricks. The program supports resizing the input, changing colors, and clearing the canvas with the Evaporate tool. You can also hide the Paintpad user interface.

Paintpad was created through collaboration between SamNChiet during a live stream. This collaboration led to the addition of the Evaporate feature and other options. It seems that Paintpad cannot be downloaded at this time.

Remember, SamNChiet previously used Microsoft Notepad to run the game Doom.

Source: windowscentral

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