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Google no longer plans to keep Pixel devices that came to it for repair with "unauthorized parts"

Google no longer plans to keep Pixel devices that came to it for repair with "unauthorized parts"
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Google's policy regarding the repair of Pixel devices was criticized when it was noticed that the company would not return the device to the owner if "unauthorized parts" were used in it. Now the company promises to remove this restriction from its rules.

YouTuber, owner of a repair shop, and repair rights activist Louis Rossmann this week drew attention to Google's Pixel device repair policy. At least since last year on the support page, which explains Google's repair policy, it was explicitly stated that if a device was sent for repair and "unauthorized" aftermarket spare parts were found on it, the device would "not be returned" to its owner.

Recently, a similar approach led to criticism of Samsung. The Korean company demanded that repair shops sign contracts stipulating that devices in which non-original parts were found would be destroyed. Recently, iFixit ended its partnership with Samsung regarding Galaxy devices.

Google's policy only applies to its own repair of Pixel devices by the company, but similarly, it is stated that a device in which aftermarket components are found will "not be returned to you." This policy came into effect on July 19, 2023.

However, Google told Android Authority that it will change its position. In the future, Google will "not keep" the device if it contains non-original parts, but will return the device to the customer if it cannot perform the repair due to "security issues."

"In that case, we will send it back to the customer or determine next steps with them. Customers can also freely explore repair options that best suit them," Google promises.

The company's terms of use will be updated to "clarify" this. However, these promises have not yet been documented in the Rules update.

Source: 9to5google

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