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Gamers in Ukrainian IT: game designers and sysadmins play the most, and PC is the most popular device

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Gamers in Ukrainian IT: game designers and sysadmins play the most, and PC is the most popular device
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The website DOU conducted a survey among Ukrainian IT professionals regarding their gaming preferences and favorite gaming platforms, revealing how the situation varies across different specialties (an interesting spoiler: those who play have a higher median salary).

A total of 13,000 Ukrainian IT specialists participated in the survey, with around 55% of them playing video games — notably, their median salary is $200 higher than that of non-gamers, with the highest reported salaries ranging from $3,000 to $6,000.

The distribution by marital status is also interesting: nearly 60% of those who selected "cohabitation" play games, whereas married IT professionals play the least.

The most active gamers in Ukrainian IT are individuals aged under 25 and those between 25-29, while the least gamers are IT specialists aged 35 and older.

When considering the distribution by specialty, it’s no surprise that game design experts, artists/animators, and system administrators play the most.

Almost half of c-level IT professionals (CTOs, COOs, CEOs, founders, etc.) also chose the option "I play" — meaning that this category includes more players than testers, managers, data science specialists, marketers, and HR personnel.

In general, IT professionals favor multiple platforms for gaming — over 43%; speaking of specific devices, PCs dominate the selection (40%), while PlayStation ranks third (about 12%). The share of gamers using Xbox and mobile devices is significantly lower — however, based on the chart, these specialists have the highest median salaries.

There's an interesting correlation between the age of IT professionals and their chosen platform: the youngest and oldest professionals tend to game on PCs. Meanwhile, supporters of mobile gaming have the highest median age. The main competitors in this ranking — Xbox and PlayStation — while different, do not vary significantly. However, the oldest Sony console fan is 61 years old, while the oldest Xbox player is 43 years old.

Some participants owned rare or exotic devices: PSP, VR, or Playdate (seven individuals). More than 2.5% of IT professionals possess a Steam Deck.

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