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Apple's standard warranty no longer covers iPhone and Apple Watch display cracks

Apple's standard warranty no longer covers iPhone and Apple Watch display cracks
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Apple has made significant changes to the repair policy and standard warranty for iPhone and Apple Watch this month. Apple no longer covers "single cracks" under the standard warranty for iPhone and Apple Watch. Instead, this repair is now considered a claim for "accidental damage", and users are required to pay for it.

Prior to this month, Apple's policy for iPhone and Apple Watch users was to cover cases of single damage in the form of a crack under the standard warranty. This rule applied on the condition that there were no visible other damages or a clear point of impact on the device where the crack was found.

However, in updates distributed this week among Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Service Providers, Apple updated its policy, stating that all instances of single cracks are no longer covered by the warranty. When a customer reports a hairline crack as an issue, the authorized service or store must consider it as a claim for accidental damage.

So, to get rid of a fine crack, owners of Apple smartphones and smartwatches will have to pay for the repair, even if there are no other damages or points of impact on the device. These changes currently only apply to iPhone and Apple Watch. Apple still covers repair of single cracks under warranty for iPad and Mac.

Apple did not provide a specific reason for this change. Historically, this policy has always been somewhat inconsistent in its application. Some stores and repair shops were more lenient than others. However, with this change, repair shops no longer have such flexibility.

Source: 9to5mac

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