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Windows95man's Eurovision performance reminded of Bill Gates' "rousing" dance from 30 years ago (video)

Windows95man's Eurovision performance reminded of Bill Gates' "rousing" dance from 30 years ago (video)
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Finland's outrageous performance at Eurovision-2024 was memorable not only for the bright costumes of the participants (one of them hardly had any), but also for the fiery movements that somewhat reminded us of the dances of Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates during the actual launch of Windows 95.

Windows95man is a character created by Finnish artist and DJ Teemu Keisteri. The character wears a Windows95 t-shirt (although the logo was blurred in the final performance) and very short denim shorts with cutouts (which, judging by the performance, are not always there). Usually Keisteri performs as a duo with Clippy - the famous paperclip assistant from the Windows OS. However, this time the artist chose a giant egg dummy and sparks flying out of his shorts for the show.

Windows95man performance at the grand final of Eurovision

And here's how Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates celebrated the launch of Windows 95 30 years ago - perhaps the movements are not as lively as the Finns', but just look at Gates trying:

Finland made it to the final with the song "No Rules", but according to the votes from the audience and the jury, they only took 19th place. Ukraine this year made it to the top three leaders of the main European song contest - the performance by the duo Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil with the song Teresa & Maria was rated at 453 points. First and second place went to Switzerland and Croatia respectively.

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