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"Canister" for electric car: Wuling has created a 141 kWh mobile charging station

"Canister" for electric car: Wuling has created a 141 kWh mobile charging station
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The Chinese automotive giant Wuling has unveiled two mobile charging stations for electric vehicles. They can be likened to fuel canisters for internal combustion engine vehicles or very large power banks.

One of the mobile charging stations is comparable in size to an ice cream cart, while the other is significantly larger, measuring 2280x940x1969 mm, and features self-driving capabilities. The battery capacity in the top autonomous version is 141 kWh.

The primary demand that Wuling's four-wheeled batteries meet is the need to expand the availability of charging stations for electric vehicles in response to a sudden surge in demand. According to Wuling, trials in China have shown that this autonomous battery, which currently has a maximum speed of 5 km/h, can greatly enhance the efficiency and flexibility of electric vehicle charging stations.

Wuling refers to this new type of charging device as a “Mobile Energy Storage Vehicle” (MESCV), created in response to the current needs of the Chinese market. It can serve multiple purposes beyond adding flexibility to charging stations. For example, it could be used in car dealerships and service centers, on college campuses, or at factories where a portable power source or charger is occasionally needed. The idea is for the MESCV to charge when rates are lowest and be available to deliver energy anywhere.

The top autonomous version of the portable charger is priced at $42,000. The smaller VA100T version, which has a 30 kWh battery and requires self-transportation, is valued at $11,000.

Source: newatlas

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